Lingonberry cake and Whipped lingonberry porridge

Finland's food and drink culture is something special and unique, it has been created throughout history from the conditions nature and all seasons offer. All seasons have their own character and raw material season, which everyone has learned to use in many ways.
lingonberry belongs to autumn, and it is probably the berry that Finns love
most of all. When you want to highlight one of the many Finnish raw materials
during autumn, lingonberries are one of the most important during this time.
The lingonberry is perhaps the berry that is picked the most in our country and
the berry that has left its unshakable, firm, and traditional mark on Finnish
food culture.
When you
want to highlight Finnish food during the autumn season, lingonberries are one
of the most essential elements in the presentation of the country's food
culture. The lingonberry can stand firmly on the everyday dinner table, while
at the same time inviting you to the most solemn festive dinner where nothing
is spared. As much as mushrooms, lingonberries are one of the most significant
elements in Finnish food and drink culture.

Lingonberry in the form of whipped porridge has been known since the end of the 19th century and probably even before that and is today a familiar dish in most homes around the country. Finland's first home economics teacher and cookbook author: Anna Olsoni-Qvist describes lingonberry porridge in her cookbook from 1892 and it is served cold, not whipped but with milk, just like to this day.
Here Lingonberry cake with whipped lingonberry porridge is served and represents Finland's contribution in an international context in Norway September 2023.